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Receive advice and information on a wide range of topics including: 
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
Relationship difficulties
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
Family Issues
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
Emotional problems
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
Health and wellbeing
Also included: 
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
Enhanced financial and debt support
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
Enhanced legal support
A green check mark with a shadow on a white background.
MyMindPal, an online interactive mental fitness tool

Key features and what to expect

A large number of EAPs offer a one size fits all approach. Your employees are individuals and all their needs are unique. This is a tailored service built around their specific needs, particularly their mental health wellbeing. Each service can work in conjunction with another, helping your employees overcome the struggles they are facing. For example, a problem may be identified by one specialist, but due to the nature of the issue, they may need to refer an employee to another specialist. Where required, this will all be handled by their dedicated case manager. 

Additional benefits

A logo for a company called irwin mitchell solicitors

24/7 Legal advice from one of the UK's largest law firms: Irwin Mitchell – awarded Superbrand status 2019. The service includes: Advice on legal matters such as domestic and family (Divorce, boundary disputes, moving house) Professional and easy to understand confidential advice.

A yellow star is floating in the air on a white background.

Telephone access to personal financial and debt information and support - provided by Auriga Money Management Support Our partners offer expert debt management service that empowers your employees with impartial support and debt management advice. They'll benefit from: Confidential and independent money advice A personally allocated advisor to help employees budget Assistance in negotiating arrangements with creditors Help with identifying and accessing welfare assistance.

A logo for my mindpal is shown on a white background

MyMindPal is an interactive app and online tool that is full of simple exercises and techniques that match your employees’ Mental Fitness needs.

and there's more...

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Access to online resources including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy workbooks. A full range of downloadable Audio or PDF workbooks. Topics such as Abuse, Anger Management, Alcohol, Bereavement, Weight Management and many many more.

Two people are talking in a circle with speech bubbles.

Our independent care advice helps employees make informed decisions that are right for their family. Managing that work/life balance can be difficult at the best of times. Throw in caring responsibilities for elderly parents on top of looking after children, and it can be a recipe for high levels of stress and immediate need for time off work to sort out your care support.

24% of the working population are now carers and this is going to grow close to 40% by 2030.

Find Out More:

Just complete the form below and you will receive an email with full details within 24 hours.

Download our brochure to find out even more about our EAP service.
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